Lover's Key, Florida

Lover's Key, Florida

Saturday, October 1, 2011

On being lonely.

It is important for me to write about the way I felt as I walked from the stadium to my car today.  As I walked, I reflected that it had been a good day; albeit a long one.  I felt good about the way I had interacted with the people I with whom I work.  There is a feeling that we are a team.  What we are asked to do is really boring; basically, we serve as a barrier  to prevent fans from going to places in the stadiums that their tickets do not allow.  The up side is that, for those who enjoy people watching it is an unparalleled opportunity.  Although we don't see all of the 100,000 plus people who attend each game, we do see a fair sample of them.

Today it pleased me when I was able to offer members of my team an opportunity to exchange places for a while with someone in a more interesting position, and most of them told me that they preferred to stay where they were.

At the end of the game I was able to get together with my nephew, Kevin, and his wife and family. They have a way of making me feel special, and there were hugs all around.  It also made my heart happy when I received a text message from Jeanne telling me that she was in Aspen with Izzy at a gymnastics meet.  What a world we live in!

Back to the walk back to the car, which took me about 20 minutes.  During that time, I suddenly became aware that I was walking all by myself.  All around me people were walking in groups with family and friends, and, most painfully, there were men and women walking together, holding hands.  At times like that my thought process goes like this:  "OK, don't forget that you once had that; embrace and celebrate that."  Yet, as I walk along the sidewalk in front of Pioneer High School, surrounded by people,  why do I feel like the loneliest person on earth?

As I walked the last block toward my car I suddenly felt your hand in mine, Dear, and that dreadful, lonely feeling disappeared.  Doing familiar thing is important, so I made a pot of chili when I got home, wishing only that you were here to enjoy it with me.

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