Lover's Key, Florida

Lover's Key, Florida

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love and "magic glue."

As I was driving from my friend's house to the Internet Cafe I had a feeling that can only be described as a sad, sad longing; Gwen was so much a part of all of the things I am now reliving, and it's still difficult to accept the fact that she is gone.  She said she would love me forever, and now she is gone forever:  I take consolation in knowing that the love remains and will go on forever.

There will be more reminders of how precious and genuine the miracle of our love was. That sounds awfully sentimental, but there is a truth in it that I've come to believe and understand.  That truth is that all people who have been in a  relationship where their love is tested by time experience the same thing; in moments of quiet reflection they stand in awe of the "magic glue" that keeps them constantly in love with the one they have chosen as their mate.  In a religious context, we would call it a gift of grace from The Holy Spirit.  In Gwen's and my travels through life we didn't always think these kind of things and talk about them and make them explicit, but they were always there; at the core.  Is it any wonder then that there are these moments of sad, sad longing?

Thank you, Dear, for a life and a love that had at its core the "magic glue" that now creates these feelings of sad, sad longing for my perfect partner.

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