Lover's Key, Florida

Lover's Key, Florida

Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's late.

It's past 11:00 p. m.; a busy day.  Lunch with a dear old friend, then chores around the house.  Later in the afternoon it was off to the school of music for a recital by Elise, my church choir director, who is completing work for an M. A. Degree in music.  She's a soprano, and her performance was astounding,.  Of course, it's one of  those "you had to be there" experiences, so there's little more I can add.  Then it was off to a meeting of the Faculty Discussion Group from church for an annual event; a Seder followed by a Mass and then a great meal.  This was another of those first without Gwen, I think I put on a good act.  My friend Marie was there.  We were in the bereavement group together.  She lost her husband a few months before Gwen died.  We have that in common, and it was good to talk with her at the meeting.  It's hard, but necessary to do these things.

I plan to write more tomorrow.

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