Lover's Key, Florida

Lover's Key, Florida

Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's the ordinary things and events of life that take on such increased meaning when the love of one's life is removed from them; certainly an unanticipated example of addition by subtraction.  I thought of that the other day when I was at the mall shopping for something or other.  Taking the time to notice the people I encountered, I couldn't help but be humbled by knowing that each one of them had a story to tell.  I was again reminded that in the sea of humanity I am not the first and only person who has been set adrift by the death of a partner who filled all the empty spaces in life.  My next thought was about how great it would be if I could redo some of the shopping trips Gwen and I took; this time with awareness and appreciation of just how special and rare it is to have someone you love at your side.  This poem came to me this morning:


If through some miracle
she were with me today
and we walked together
through a mall, let’s say,
two people, past their prime,
holding hands with each other.

People might notice us,
I suppose, thought most
busy with their own lives
might not see such an
ordinary couple, holding hands
and enjoying every moment.

John A. Bayerl, April 14, 2011

It's still so hard, trying not to miss you, Dear, especially in all the ordinary things I do.  Ours was not an ordinary love.

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