Lover's Key, Florida

Lover's Key, Florida

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just not today.

It's been a busy day.  The bereavement group from Arbor Hospice met for the eighth and final time.  We met at a restaurant; it was refreshing to see everyone in that kind of setting.  Those eight weeks sure flew by.  I enjoyed meeting everyone in the group, and look forward to getting together with them periodically.  

It's been really nice having Anne spend the last two nights with  me while she is working at her new job in Southfield.  Last night she and I and John and Amy and Brooke had dinner together, also a nice break in the routine.  Tonight Anne went to mass with me at  5:00 and then went to dinner with friends.  My friend Art and his wife Anne were there, and we went to dinner together afterwards.  

I've been sad all day; even a long workout at the gym didn't help much.  It's still the hardest thing I've ever done trying to figure out just who I am without my better half. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

I'm working on a couple of poems; tears and dancing are the themes.  More on the way, just not today, and that's OK.

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