Lover's Key, Florida

Lover's Key, Florida

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hope Fulfilled

Today has been a bit of an exceptional day.  My friend Ed called around noon and invited me to play a round of golf--which we did.  When I returned from that son John came by and we had a nice visit plus he was able to fix a vexing problem with my computer.  Today the weather has been great, and, since more rain is predicted tomorrow, I took advantage of a break in the clouds to mow the lawn.  As usual, I find that to be not only good exercise, but also an opportunity to mediate as I walk behind the mower.  Today being Friday always has that sad/happy tinge to it.  Gwen died on a Friday, and as it gets toward evening memories of that come crowding in.  Fridays way back when were also days of happy reunion when I would drive from Menominee to Gaastra to spend the weekend with my beautiful girlfriend.  Today I felt her absence more keenly than usual.

When I had finished mowing the lawn is when the thing I have been hoping for happened.  I put away the lawnmower, planted a flower in Gwen's Garden that my sister Terri had given me,  filled the bird feeder and moved the hummingbird feeder to a what I thought might be a better location, and sat down to enjoy a cold drink and cool off in the evening breeze.  When I finally got settled into the lawn chair I glanced at the hummingbird feeder, and there it was--a hummingbird.  I knew it! I thought; Gwen is talking to me.  I recalled how way back in January I had a dream that Gwen and I were watching a hummingbird at that same feeder, and I decided it was time to begin writing this blog.  Gwen loved hummingbirds, and I had tried without success to lure them to our backyard, but that dream told me not to give up hope.  I didn't, and today there it was, a hummingbird.  It flew away, but soon there was another at the feeder, its mate no doubt.  It has been a long, long time since I've felt the way those hummingbirds made me feel.  I actually shouted out loud, YES!.  Then I cried tears of pure joy.  Whew!  not much more I can say.

To cap it all off, I received an e-mail message from my friend in Canada who lost her spouse about the same time as Gwen died.  I opened the attached video, fully expecting it to be a some sort of inspirational message, but, way better than that, it was a video of her sending me a comforting and encouraging message.  An inspirational message indeed!

Thank you, Dear, for being with me so clearly today.  Love does not die with death.

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